wavesurfer.js + Microphone

wavesurfer.js Microphone Plugin

Visualizes audio input from a microphone in wavesurfer.js instances.


  1. add the Microphone plugin script tag
  2. create a WaveSurfer instance
  3. create a Microphone instance
  4. control the Microphone using the start, stop and togglePlay methods

Download the plugin (3.2 KB)

Quick Start

var wavesurfer = Object.create(WaveSurfer);

  container     : '#waveform',
  waveColor     : 'black',
  interact      : false,
  cursorWidth   : 0

var microphone = Object.create(WaveSurfer.Microphone);

    wavesurfer: wavesurfer

microphone.on('deviceReady', function(stream) {
    console.log('Device ready!', stream);
microphone.on('deviceError', function(code) {
    console.warn('Device error: ' + code);

// start the microphone

// pause rendering

// stop and disconnect microphone


Name Required Description
wavesurfer yes A WaveSurfer instance.


Name Description
deviceReady Invoked when the device is ready to use. Callback will receive a LocalMediaStream object that contains the microphone stream.
deviceError Invoked when the user doesn't allow the browser to access the microphone. Callback will receive a (string) error code.
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